The United Republic of Tanzania, (formerly the Republic of Tanganyika) is an independent country located in the middle-eastern region of Africa. Kenya and Uganda are located in the north of the country and Rwanda, Burundi, and DR Congo in the west, and Zambia, Malawi, and Mozambique in the south of the country. There are also the coasts of the Indian Ocean to the east of Tanzania. Tanzania is a unitary republic consisting of twenty-six regions called mikoa. The president of the country is John Magufuli as from November 2015. Since 1996, the capital of the country has been Dodoma, and it accommodates official structures, specifically the parliament.

Its estimated population for the year 2018 was 56.313.438.

Its official languages are English and Swahili.

Website of Tanzania Embassy of the Republic of Turkey:http://darusselam.be.mfa.gov.tr/Mission

Website of Tanzania Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Turkey:https://ticaret.gov.tr/yurtdisi-teskilati/afrika/tanzanya/genel-bilgiler

The services that we, as Nora Global Logistics, render with our expert team for Tanzania are as follows:

-Maritime Transport

-Airline Transport

-Door to Door Delivery Transportation


-Project Transportation