Senegal, or officially the Republic of Senegal, is a country located in the south of the Senegal River, and West Africa. The total border length of Senegal, having 531 km border with the Atlantic Ocean in the west, 813 km with Mauritania in the north, 419 km with Mali in the east, 330 km with Guinea, and 338 km with Guinea Bissau in the south, is 3171 km including the Atlantic Ocean. The Cape Verde Islands are 560 km away from the coasts of Senegal.

Its estimated population for the year 2018 was 15.854.323.

Its official language is French.

Website of Senegal Embassy of the Republic of Turkey:

Website of Senegal Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Turkey:

The services that we, as Nora Global Logistics, render with our expert team for Senegal are as follows:

-Maritime Transport

-Airline Transport

-Door to Door Delivery Transportation


-Project Transportation