Lesotho, or officially the Kingdom of Lesotho, is a country located in the south of the Continent of Africa. The country’s entire land is surrounded by the territory of the Republic of South Africa. Maseru is the capital city of the country ruled by a parliamentary monarchy, which was called Basutoland from 1868 until its independence from the United Kingdom in 1966.

The estimated population throughout the country was 2.108.328 in 2018.

Its official languages are Sesotho and English.

Website of c Embassy of the Republic of Turkey:http://www.mfa.gov.tr/sub.tr.mfa?acda7bbb-02df-48fa-90df-6da0d4efd980

Website of c Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Turkey:https://ticaret.gov.tr/data/5b885d77af23be7c5c10c5ca/LESOTO%20ülke%20p

The services that we, as Nora Global Logistics, render with our expert team for Lesotho are as follows:

-Maritime Transport

-Airline Transport

-Door to Door Delivery Transportation


-Project Transportation