Equatorial Guinea, or officially the Republic of Equatorial Guinea, is a country on the Atlantic Ocean coast in the Continent of Africa. The country located in Sub-Saharan Africa is one of the smallest countries on the continent. The country consists of two separate parts as the mainland and the islands. The mainland of the country, called Mbini, borders Cameroon in the north, Gabon in the south and east, and the Atlantic Ocean in the west. The island Annobón located offshore Gabon in the southwest of the mainland, is situated 156 km south of the aclinic line, while the island Bioko, where the capital of the country, Malabo, is located, is situated offshore Cameroon, in the northwestern of the mainland. The islands Corisco, Elobey Grande, and Elobey Chico, which are located onshore, also belong to the country. The country has a sea border with São Tomé and Príncipe located on the Atlantic Ocean.

country. The country has a sea border with São Tomé and Príncipe located on the Atlantic Ocean. There is no clear information about the total population of the country. The government of the country has declared its population as 1.622.000 people (2010 data) on its official websites, the World Bank as 720.000 people (2011 data), the German Foreign Ministry as 693.000 people on its official website (2010 data), and the CIA The World Factbook as 797.457 people on its website (July 2018 estimate data).

Its official language is Portuguese.

Website of Equatorial Guinea Embassy of the Republic of Turkey:http://luanda.be.mfa.gov.tr/Mission

Website of Equatorial Guinea Commercial Attaché of the Republic of Turkey:https://ticaret.gov.tr/yurtdisi-teskilati/afrika/ekvator-ginesi/genel-bilgiler

The services that we, as Nora Global Logistics, render with our expert team for Equatorial Guinea are as follows:

-Maritime Transport

-Airline Transport

-Door to Door Delivery Transportation


-Project Transportation